The discovery of topological order, non-fermi liquid and other strongly correlated phenomena in quantum many-body systems has revolutionized our understanding of condensed matter physics in the past few decades. Underlying these fascinating discoveries is the existence of many-body entanglement among the constituent particles in the system. To have a more concrete understanding of the many-body entanglement patterns, and correspondingly the exotic emergent phenomena, advanced mathematical tools are required, such as algebraic topology, category theory, and various ideas in topological quantum field theories. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in maths, physics, and computer science with the goal of communicating different perspectives on this topic and forging new collaborations.
Hui Zhai, Institute for Advanced Study, THU
Bei Zeng, University of Guelph, Canada
Hong Yao, Institute for Advanced Study, THU
Xie Chen, California Institute of Technology, USA
Li Li, Institute for Advanced Study, THU