
会议申请 学术日历

Computational Seismology 2016


会议编号:  M160101

时间:  2016-01-04 ~ 2016-01-08

浏览次数:  1524

组织者:   Eric Chung, Bjorn Engquist , Jun Zou, Zhiming Chen



    The workshop aims at bringing together researchers, scientists and graduate students from Mainland China, Hong Kong and abroad to exchange their research achievements in computational seismology, including low dispersion and fast algorithms for wave propagation, multiscale and model reduction methods, full waveform inversion, seismic imaging, optimal transport and Monge-Ampere techniques, among others. The workshop consists of both invited talks and poster sessions. It provides a platform for researchers to report their recent findings and for students to gain knowledge in the area. We expect that the workshop will give a fruitful atmosphere for scientific advancement.


    Computational Seismology is the quantitative study of elastic wave propagation in the earth, giving understandings to many geological phenomena such as earthquakes. There are still many challenges in the numerical computations of direct and inverse problems related to elastic waves. In particular, the direct simulations of elastic waves require significant amount of computational power. It is therefore necessary to develop more advanced algorithms. One active research topic is low grid dispersion and fast numerical methods. Moreover, due to the complex geological features of the earth, one needs to incorporate this information into the solvers. Thus, another active research topic is the construction of multiscale solvers and multiscale model reduction techniques, with the aim of giving more efficient and robust algorithms for the accurate simulations of elastic waves in highly heterogeneous media. On the other hand, inversion of seismic data is gaining attention. For many applications, one needs to reconstruct earth properties by using seismic data observed on earth surfaces. Full waveform inversion (FWI) and seismic imaging become increasing important areas of research. In particular, FWI allows one to incorporate more frequency components into consideration and produce better reconstruction. The resulting high-resolution images can be used to understand many earth properties. In addition to many traditional approaches, there are some new and advanced imaging techniques based on optimal transport and Monge-Ampere techniques. These methods are important ingredient of FWI.


Eric Chung, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bjorn Engquist, University of Texas at Austin
Jun Zou, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zhiming Chen, Chinese Academy of Science

