The Sanya School in Complex Analysis and Geometry will consist of a 4-day winter school of four short courses (tentatively four hours each). It will bring together leading experts, junior researchers, and graduate students in the areas of several complex variables, complex geometry, complex dynamics, partial differential equations, and related fields of mathematics.
The short courses will be given by experts in the areas of complex geometry, CR geometry, complex Monge-Ampere equations, and L^2-theory of the ∂ ̄-operator and its applications. These courses will be accessible to graduate students. The lectures will include discussions of background materials, recent developments, and future directions. Exercises will be given and open problems presented. These courses should be useful to both young researchers and experts.
John Eric Fornaess, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Siqi Fu, Rutgers University-Camden, USA
Franc Forstneric, The Chinese University of Hong Kong