The interaction of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and mathematical physics is a very active area of mathematical research internationally. Many nonlinear partial differential equations were derived to explain physical phenomena. For example, various Chern-Simons theories have been introduced to explain physics of higher temperature superconductivity. The study of these equations occupies a central place in the research of mathematics. It not only poses a lot of challenging problems and leads to the development of many new techniques in analysis, but also it has strong interaction among different mathematical areas such as calculus of variations, differential algebra, differential geometry and elliptic function theories.
This workshop aims to bring together research leaders with diversified mathematical background and promising young researchers in the areas of nonlinear partial differential equations and mathematical physics to present their recent research results and discuss open problems and future directions providing opportunities for collaboration on important problems of common interest.
Thomas Bartsch, Universitaet Giessen, Germany
Chang-Shou Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Gabriella Tarantello, Universit`a degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
Shusen Yan, University of New England, Australia