Locally compact groups are intimately related to their group C*-algebras and group von Neumann algebras. For instance, it is well-known that a discrete group is amenable if and only if its reduced groups C*-algebra is nuclear. This is also equivalent to its group von Neumann algebra being injective, or hyperfinite. Recently, people have become interested in a much wider class of groups and corresponding C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras. Some very deep and important problems on the exactness, uniform embeddability, and Haagerup property of locally compact groups, as well as various approximation properties and QWEP (quotients of C*-algebras with weak expectation property) problems of group C*-algebras, have been stimulating in several areas of mathematics. These problems are particularly attractive to people working in operator spaces and group algebras (including Fourier algebras, group C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras), and locally compact quantum groups.
This workshop will provide a unique opportunity to bring together specialists and active researchers from some Pacific RIM countries, as well as some European countries, in the areas of operator algebras, operator space, group algebras (including Fourier algebras, group C*-algebras and group von Neumann algebras) and quantum groups to discuss and communicate on these exciting mathematical problems.
Shiu-Yuen Cheng, Tsinghua University, China
Anthony To Ming Lau, University of Alberta, Canada
Chi-Keung Ng, Naikai University, China
Zhong-Jin Ruan, University of Illinois, USA
Ngai-Ching Wong, National Sun Yat-sen University