Over the past thirty years the study of nonlinear dispersive waves has experienced a striking evolution. Many new ideas and techniques have emerged, spurring progress on problems which until quite recently seemed intractable. In particular, considerable progress has been made in understanding fundamental aspects of nonlinear dispersive wave equations such as the Korteweg-de Vries type equations, the nonlinear Schr ̈odinger equations and nonlinear wave equations. These developments have had profound implications and applications in mathematics, science, engineering and industry.
The goal of this proposed workshop is to review the current state-of-the-arts in the theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of nonlinear dispersive water waves, formulate a set of challenging open problems, and discuss future directions. It will bring together international and Chinese researchers, including postdocs and graduate students, who work in the field to exchange ideas and foster collaborations, and to encourage and stimulate beginners to enter this fascinating field.
Jerry L. Bona, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Min Chen, Purdue University, USA Boling Guo, IAPCM Jie Shen, Xiamen University and Purdue University Bingyu Zhang, University of Cincinnati, USA