
会议申请 学术日历

Collective Dynamics of Muti-agent Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Applications Workshop


会议编号:  M170102

时间:  2017-01-09 ~ 2017-01-13

浏览次数:  3277

组织者:   Seung-Yeal Ha, Zhuchun Li, Yicheng Liu


    The collective dynamics of multi-agent systems has been such a new direction and attracted numerous attentions in recent years. There are multiple issues of fundamental methodology arising from the collective dynamics. The typical issues include how to build on new models that are not only suitable for mathematical analysis but also reveal the fundamental mechanism hidden in the collective behavior in our nature. Another important issue is how to develop its applications in man-made engineering systems. This five-day workshop aims to introduce the new trends in collective dynamics in multi-agent systems, including modeling, analysis and applications. Morning lectures on the most important topics will be given by internationally renowned experts. Most lectures are focused at following topics, but not restricted. (1) The development of mathematical models, analysis, numerical simulations and mathematical tools for the multi-agent collective behaviors rising in our natural world. (2) The development of new insights or paradigms to the applications of collective dynamics in engineering.

