General introduction to Symplectic topology, some key results and open questions; introduction to the symplectic embedding problem; results in 4-dimensions concerning ellipsoids and polydiscs symplectic embeddings in higher dimensions.
The Legacy of Carl Friedrich Gauss
Quotients, Stability and Invariants Workshop
Global Aspects of Projective and Kähler Geometry: Jean-Pierre Demailly
The Legacy of Emmy Noether and Gottingen mathematics
Subfactors and Mathematical Physics: Vaughan Jones
Hyper-Kaehler Manifolds, Hodge Theory and Chow Groups: Claire Voisin
Current Topics in Mathematical Physics and Probability Horng-Tzer Yau
Mathematical Physics: Edward Witten
the legacy of Bernhard Riemann after one hundred and fifty years
Recent Advances in Analysis and Geometry:LuisA. Caffarelli
Fusion Systems and Finite Simple Groups Workshop :Michael George Aschbacher
Current Developments of Mirror Symmetry : Maxim Kontsevich
Algebraic groups and their Representation
Workshop on Topological Materials
Workshop on Differential Topology
Workshop on Langlands Program
Wokshop on Dynamical System
Automorphic periods and Spherical Varieties
Master Lecture -Shing-Tung Yau
Workshop on Planar Statistical Models
Workshop on Geometric Analysis
Workshop on Vision
Geometric Methods on Representation Theory and Number Theory
Workshop on Applied Math
Tsinghua Sanya International Economics Roundtable