
会议申请 学术日历

The interaction between geometry, quantum field theory and nonlinear analysis


会议编号:  M240302

时间:  2024-03-18 ~ 2024-03-23

浏览次数:  3902

组织者:   Jürgen JOST, CHEN Qun, ZUO Kang



    The interaction between geometry (Riemannian, algebraic, Kaehler, metric,...), quantum field theory and analysis (elliptic and parabolic PDEs, calculus of variations) has brought spectacular advances and generated deep insight in all those disciplines.
    Minima of variational integrals may provide optimal solutions to geometric problems, and parabolic PDEs may deform initial geometrical structures into optimal ones, thereby solving important geometric problems. Functionals from QFT contain rich structures that can be exploited for the construction of subtle geometric invariants. In turn, such problems typically lead to very difficult analytical challenges. The resulting PDEs are not only highly non-linear, but from a variational perspective usually are not contained in the range of the Palais-Smale condition, and therefore, standard methods usually break down. This challenge gave an important impetus to the theory of non-linear PDEs. One line of research exploited convexity properties, typically arising from non-positive curvature, another one depended on an extremely careful study of the formation of singularities, which in turn had to use geometric features or algebraic properties from QFT.
    During this workshop, we want to bring people together to explore various current research questions in this field, including
    -- Analytic methods for studying moduli spaces in algebraic geometry
    -- A general mathematical theory of the action functionals of QFT and the resulting challenges  for PDE theory to construct minimizers or other critical points and to understand their regularity properties
    -- Relations between QFT functionals and geometric constructions, like Kapustin-Witten and Higgs fields
    -- Bernstein and Dirichlet problems for minimal submanifolds of Euclidean spaces and spheres
    -- The role of PDEs in metric space geometry
    -- The geometry of positive sectional curvature
    -- The approximation of geometric objects by discrete ones


    -- 代数几何中模空间的分析方法;

    -- 量子场论中作用泛函的一般数学理论及产生的偏微分方程理论挑战,如构造极小解或其它临界点,研究它们的正则性;

    --  量子场论中作用泛函与几何构造的关系,如Kapustin-Witten 和 Higgs 场;

    --  欧氏空间和球面中极小子流形的Bernstein 和 Dirichlet 问题;

    --  偏微分方程在度量空间几何中的作用;

    --  正曲率几何学;

    --  几何对象的离散逼近。

    举办意义(Description of the aim)



Jürgen JOST, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
CHEN Qun, Wuhan University
ZUO Kang, Wuhan University

