
会议申请 学术日历

Tsinghua-Tokyo Workshop on PDEs and Probability


会议编号:  M250302

时间:  2025-03-22 ~ 2025-03-26

浏览次数:  661

组织者:   Funaki Tadahisa, Futaki Akito, Xie Bin



    This workshop is the second edition of the Tsinghua-Tokyo Workshop, which was started in 2024 to promote cooperation between China and Japan.  The topics cover various types of partial differential equations, especially those related to mathematical physics, such as Navier-Stokes equation, nonlinear Schrödinger equation, dispersive equations, reaction-diffusion equations, nonlinear elliptic equations on the PDE side and stochastic partial differential equations, random media, statistical mechanics-type models on the Probability side.  These are important topics which attract a lot of attention internationally and show a rapid progress.

    Description of the aim

    Tsinghua-Tokyo Workshop was launched in January 2024 highlighting on Calabi-Yau as its main theme (https://indico.ipmu.jp/event/422/). This is the second edition of the workshop and the themes of this time are nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Probability and interactions between these two fields.  The workshop will bring together experts from Japan, mainly from the Tokyo area, and from China.  China and Japan are geographically close and have important achievements and recent growth in mathematical study, respectively.  It is important to maintain and develop a cooperative relationship.  We expect that this workshop will provide an opportunity to establish a close relationship between these two countries. The aim of the workshop is to discuss recent developments in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations from the viewpoints of both PDE Theory and Probability Theory.


Funaki Tadahisa, Tsinghua University,China
Futaki Akito, BIMSA ,China
Xie Bin, Shinshu University,Japan

