In recent years, many enumerative problems have been successfully analyzed using geometric representation theory of Lie algebras and, more generally, quantum groups. However, many appearances of vertex operators of various flavors in enumerative computations all point to the possibility that the theory of vertex algebras may provide more flexible, more versatile, and more widely applicable tools for the analysis of enumerative problems. Particularly intriguing is the fact that all enumerative problems come with a natural deformation from cohomology to K-theory. This suggests that all relevant vertex algebras should have a q-deformation, which thus necessitates a deeper algebraic study of such q-vertex algebras.
The goal of this conference is to discuss recent developments around these topics.
举办意义(Description of the aim)
This conference will gather experts to discuss the most recent developments in enumerative geometry and its connections to geometric representation theory, with a particular focus on vertex algebras, their quantizations and relevant geometric realizations. Talks will be given by world leading experts on these subjects.
Peng Shan, Tsinghua University
Andrei Okounkov, Columbia University