Hossein Movasati, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
In this talk I will review few conjectures which aim to detect which linear differential equations come from Gauss-Manin connections, that is, they are satisfied by periods of families of algebraic varieties. This includes conjectures due to Katz-Grothendieck, André and Bombieri-Dwork. I will discuss another finer criterion to detect differential equations coming from families of hypergeometric Calabi-Yau varieties. Finally, I will explain a classification list in the case of Heun and Painlevé VI equations (joint works with S. Reiter).
2023-12-24 13:00-14:00
Room A-110, TSIMF
Detecting Gauss-Manin and Calabi-Yau differential equations - Hossein Movasati